
I started inhabiting Spoilerville for Mad Men. It just became so fraught. We weren't watching it the night it aired because I could not relax and go to bed that soon after watching it. Then I wanted to keep watching but I wanted to know the plot details first. So I found some good recaps, read them first, then

This may sounds silly, but Apollo 13? I know it's a true story blah blah blah but I'm sure the only reason I can even watch this movie as an adult is because I know it's going to be OK.

Yep. That's it exactly. I try not to spoil anything for people who go to movies with me, but I just can't stand the waiting. I keep checking my watch if I don't know what the ending will be, and thinking how many minutes long the movie is, and judging when the twist will be revealed.


MY GAWD....THANK YOU for saying this. Every time I challenge the spoiler status quo, people have a cow. Spoilers are NOT the end of the universe.

I'm with you, for the most part. I'm not so impatient I can't stand to read a book, but I need to know what I'm getting myself into so that I'm not traumatized by something horrible happening that I wasn't expecting. That? That's called real life. No spoilers here, only the suspense of knowing that the horror will