
I’m so glad someone seems to have ready access to this gif. And that it is a gif. And that it happened on camera. And that it happened at all.


but enough about Olivia Wilde.

Me too. If it was me I’d just say “yeah so I got older and had my droopy eyelids lifted and got a bit of Botox. Big shmeal, get off my dick.” Noboby’s asking Madonna a bunch of rude-ass questions about the 14 pounds of silicone and fetal foreskin stem cells in her face. (But that’s probably because everyone’s afraid

Mireille Enos is freaking amazing in The Killing. The plot gets a little redundant but I kept watching it for her and Robocop’s back and forth. But you love her, you hate her, you realize she’s really good at her job but she’s still not a great person.

This has nothing to do with Travolta - I just want Jonathan Banks to follow me around in real life and react to stuff for me. He could also provide a running commentary if he wanted to. I find him delightful and he needs to be everywhere at all times.

Seriously though Ellen Barkin for President:

While it’s not my favorite, I do love the Huffington Post for adding this at the bottom of every article about Trump:

Screw You, Trump, for making me feel something other than hatred for Cruz.

Birth control should be fucking free, period.

I’m assuming Shia’s beard is a donor site for Mia’s eyebrow transplants?

Now playing

i cry a little every time I see this :’(

No lie, this woman at work that i sincerely dislike, when she found out our 60+ yr old sales guy was outside having a cigarette she was SCANDALIZED!

Are we now required to explain how anything we tweet doesn’t refer to Kim Kardashian?

I am inordinately tickled by Post-It’s gift to Lisa Kudrow.
(Then again, she did invent the damn things...)

Everything’s comin’ up розы!!

I can’t see him Russian into anything. I think he’s only 22.

I can’t help thinking that part of Madonna’s emotional breakdown is her inability to control her son and the situation. I believe she is heartbroken but it’s not out of the question for a teenage boy to want to live with his Dad, yet you would think by her reaction that he was kidnapped by a crazy cult. Her behavior