
you are not buying the right pants. Some of the most comfortable clothes I wear would be considered ‘dressy’ by current standards. Jeans are not more comfortable than a nicely made pair of dressy pants.

First attested in the 1960s in the context of aviation. Probably coined by pilots whose throttle levers had round, ball-like tops and for whom putting the “balls to the wall” (the firewall of the aircraft) meant making the aircraft fly as quickly as possible.

Lana - is this true? I love finding the true origins of idioms. Balls to the wall is one of my favorites. But, this one is new to me! Thanks!

I’m confused on the “name a musician” Game in the comments. Does Michael Jackson fit in anywhere here?

Really? What if the Trump tweet has been around for more than 5 minutes? What if we’ve known about the Trump tweet for a full day? Is that then akin to driving by the statue 300 times and therefor I cannot rage against it? Your argument is flawed and you are landing yourself in the same cell as you are trying to

Mustang leaves cars and coffee event and DOES NOT CRASH!

This is one of the most well written and well thought out arguments I’ve ever seen on here. Kudos. I request permission to adopt some of your argument.

that may well be the best animation I’ve seen to explain how they VTEC. Thats some pretty neat stuff.

hmmm.... are your sure? Seems to me companies go to who has the money. in my best estimation, Dads in general, have a crap-ton more money than teens and extremers do. Maybe not in every case, but in most cases. Therefore, consider the fact that your understanding of the UA market may be wrong? Perhaps Dads are

What happens after they fall off the overpass???????????

Sorry Beav, you’re wrong here. All herbicides are pesticides. Not all pesticides are herbicides.

I see the negative Dad comments too. I don’t get it. We are our own worst enemy.

Why is Dad brand such a bad thing? Good Dads are amazing. I have one. I love him. Come to think of it, many of the terms used to slander are really great things:


not sure I get your point. The upgraded 3 gets more power, more performance and more accoutrements. Same as the AMG - more power, more performance and more accoutrements. The gain in range is huge (nearly 50% increase? I think?). Imagine if AMG sold a C-class that had a 50% power bump on the base model and ALSO go

Really? Merc is advertising it’s small sedan as starting under $30K, but yet the AMG version of that same car is in the $70K range. So should they be shunned too? Shame on avetertisers! SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME...

I may need to drive next door so we can fix some vanos issues with my 740i... Only about 8 hours from here to there. I’ll bring beer and a winning smile.

Am I the only one yelling at the camera man to move the camera above the stupid windshield wiper? All I kept seeing was windshield wiper, dash, a tree, windshield wiper, dash, windshield wiper... repeat

holy cow! That blue one is majestic. I have a bad case of the wants right now.

if no one else has mentioned it: