Madeline Ashton

FINALLY!!! I have been waiting all year for this!! Here is my story.

The issue I have with this is that the message is still centered on beauty. Instead of productively saying there are more important goals than being beautiful (and even this is quite hard to do in a non-patronizing way), this just proliferates the pressures and insecurities that come with beauty standards;

Also like, just because you like wearing makeup and jewelry doesn’t make you some insecure vapid person. It’s fun? I get what they are trying to do but it’s kind of missing a little.

So to empower women, they quote to them from a book that treats them like chattel?

My 14 year old self would be like ‘ eff this shit. Jesus isn’t gonna squeeze these pimples’

UPDATE: This thoughtful gesture lasted all of 30 seconds before someone tore the paper down. Because mascara.

So like, sometimes I need to use the mirror to make sure my contacts haven’t rolled up in the back of eyeball. Should I just go use the boys bathroom mirror, Y/N?

My friend who was in a poly relationship about it told me and his friends in a way that was looking to be validated. Which is kinda problematic, I feel because if it works for you, you don't need to be validated by people who aren't in your relationship.