
I’m so glad Bernie’s competition has been consistently women because now everyone can see that he really believes this about ANY woman (person, really!) running against him. “They’re not as good as me, people just like them because they’re women/young/black/whatever! You naive shmucks...

Vermonter here. Bernie is a horrible senator. His stints as mayor and in the House were great; he cut through a lot and focused on what the common folk needed and was a true independent. In the Senate: Nothing. I went to his webpage a few years ago and the big accomplishment he touted was from 1994. He keeps bringing

She also actually does work as a senator.

The feeling that we have to put ourselves so starkly into divided camps is so weird. While I will 100% support Bernie Sanders as far as I can (I want and believe in the god damn revolution), if it comes to it, I will have no hesitation voting for Clinton. Yes, they have stark differences, but I don’t have to hate one

What I Find interesting is that Bernie could be the first jewish president and no one is saying anything about that.