

I’d have an anesthesiologist on board to keep me under general anesthesia for the the whole flight.

How do we not have some basic qualifications that need to be met before anyone is even considered for these appointments? How is this not a thing for one of the most important jobs in our country?

“Sir, what makes you qualified for this position?”

They should. After all, this isn’t an allegation, it’s story he proudly shared. I’m just disgusted that this story has been out there since 1982 and no one paid it any attention until now. I first read about this at Slate last month and now it’s the first thing that comes to mind whenever a new Dustin victim emerges.

Don’t forget Bob Ross! He seemed like a good egg

“I wasn’t old enough to drive a car, so I thought maybe I wasn’t old enough to drive a woman.”

“Mary is lying, and we all know it. I saw her just the other day. Lovely woman. Fantastic woman. And she was all happy and special. Did she say anything about being raped? Nope. She acted fine. Plus there were no witnesses! She’s a lovely woman, but she’s very confused.”— Donald Trump

What was disturbing about it was that I couldn’t get laid again for another two years.

“Me too” says Mary of Nazareth .

Or don’t show up. Force the tv shows to cancel their hours-long red carpet advertisement cash cow (or talk to a lot of dudes about their black tuxes). Watch the ratings of the awards plummet (half the people only tune in too see what people wore). Watch magazines that only judge women on their looks and hire creepy

I was picturing “Sophia Petrillo goes to a funeral” (add black lace mantilla for full effect)

Or go full Handmaid’s Tale with long red robs and white bonnets.

Black couture gowns are hardly a protest - half of them already wear black. No, if they really want to make a discomforting impact, how about they go for genuine Mediterranean widows’ weeds: black lace veils, mantillas, sensible shoes, the whole shmear.

Per the usual, the guy who drones on and on about the fact that we need to incentivize business to take actions he deems positive seems incapable of applying that same logic to anyone or anything he isn’t a bag man for.

Ok, in order.

Paul Ryan is actually calling for Rich White Women to have more babies. All other people do not count as Americans.

You’ll be needing those kids to support you since they will be your new retirement plan.

That’s yer problem, lil lady. Maybe if you cooled your jets with the feminazi whatnot there you’d find a nice man who’d wanna take you on, take care of you and provide for yer womb critters. But if you keep using that sorta foul language, well, it sounds like it’s your fault if you’re struggling! Struggling against