I’m confused. Did you see Rachel’s show concerning the arrests or not. Do you believe that what she put forward was just conjecture or perhaps more?
I’m confused. Did you see Rachel’s show concerning the arrests or not. Do you believe that what she put forward was just conjecture or perhaps more?
Mmm - I have watched a lot of her stuff and most it draws a line from A to B. I haven’t seen a lot of her reporting on conjecture. Never heard her remark that Trump reports to Moscow. Have certainly heard her “wonder” why Trump seems to be so eager to be besties with Putin - as has every other journalist and pundit…
well that actually explains quite a bit right there
It seems that her research is pretty thorough. Can you give an example of an “idea” that you think she has not verified?
Sorry LDS?
As you say, she is definitely trying to thread the needle. I am still curious as to why she would be a republican in the first place. I mean what really does that party have to offer her. Its not like they are real supportive of a)women b)women of color and c) mouthy women who have opinions and want to participate in…
Deutsche Bank is going to be answerable for a lot - and they most certainly do have ties to both Trump and to the Kremlin. I think the forensic accountants will be busy for some time to come. Of course if someone would just release his tax returns it would likely happen so much quicker. Rachel Maddow has a pretty good…
That is amazing!! Dems should put a bill before the house immediately. Smoke em out.
Right, skimmed that a little too quickly. I did listen to her be interviewed last night though and she is leaning to the apologist right on this stuff.
I have always believed (and still do) that Putin has been bankrolling Trump and his businesses - it may be time to pay the piper.
I would so very much like this to come true - I always thought Trump might bail (for “medical reasons”) when marching around to “Hail to the Chief” didn’t seem as fun as it once did.
but the true test of someone’s character is when someone they like/love is accused of something heinous. The mental gymnastics people will go through to defend people they like (even ones they don’t know) is incredible.
Rep Love needs to explain a little more why she doesn’t think he did “anything wrong” What the fuck is that?
Ah, makes sense. At the same time Trump keeps talking about his big “win” and keeping a promise to the voters when in reality apparently nothing changes - the pundits write that no embassy will be moving anywhere during the term of this presidency so it would appear that all he achieved was getting a lot of people…
I too would like to know which bookstores to look into
Geez, I knew they were deplorables but I didn’t know they were this nuts.
I can’t reconcile this with his “base” - when did they ever give two shits about whatever is happening in Israel?
Would have been nice to see Rose McGowan there as well - I feel like she really kick started a lot of this.
Supposed to be Manhattan but is filmed in Toronto. The fat lawyer is just as icky in real life as in the show.
One person who won’t be there is her half sister who has apparently written some awful book including bits about how mean Meghan is to her or some such claptrap.