Oh how I wish this were true, but with Google at least I kept getting results about TJ Miller. Two images of Megs did pop up on the first page for an image search so the trend is gaining some traction!
Oh how I wish this were true, but with Google at least I kept getting results about TJ Miller. Two images of Megs did pop up on the first page for an image search so the trend is gaining some traction!
I heard, but Meghan is too damn humble to ever bring it up ...
I’m no fan of Meghan McCain, but I don’t think Whoopi is coming off so great in this either. She goes after her for talking over everyone after both her and that other one (like many of us here, don’t know/don’t care) talk over Meghan while she’s giving her stupid answer. And then Whoopi doesn’t really answer Meghan’s…
But did you know that her father was John McCain? Did you???
There really is no better way to describe her. Not only is she a petulant child, but she also lacks the self-awareness to know that she has absolutely no credentials beyond being John McCain’s daughter. Watching Whoopi tell her to shut up brought me so much joy, like getting a free pair of shoes type of joy. Like…
I have never been bitten by a shark, but I am sure that being bitten by a shark would hurt.
If someone is going to really report in the capacity of investigating guns, then yes they should learn about guns and develop first hand knowledge.
All. All military bases have this. Fort Knox, where I work, has giant signs before the main gate saying “concealed carry not valid”. Nobody seems to have a problem with it.
Don’t forget her trump card. I think she’s the daughter of someone famous, but I can’t quite recall who...
“As the chick on a panel that spent most of her break shooting, I look forward to talking about this,” she began.
THIS IS SO FUCKING INFURIATING because I come from a hunting family and have been around guns my entire life AND I STILL WANT SOMETHING TO BE DONE ABOUT GUN VIOLENCE. Tbh take away the guns! If you want guns to go hunting, they should have hunting clubs where you lock your gun in a locker or something and check it out…
This. Even on most military bases they have a practice of storing all personal weapons in an armory.
MMcCain should have talked further with her father on this subject and he would have explained to the ignorant halot that even in the military if not in an ACTIVE war zone ALL GUNS WERE LOCKED IN A FUCKING VAULT.
In many parts of this country you can walk around with an AR-15 but if you have a knife bigger than a pocket knife you can be arrested. Think about that.
Mccain is a perfect distillation of why we still mass shootings on bi-weekly basis now.
Walmart just announced it will no longer sell ammunition.
I have plenty of experience shooting guns. They are still fucking dangerous and not great in the hands of anyone who can’t be provably mature and responsible, and even some who are. Crack the fuck down on them.
Melting down is exactly what shortening in human form would do.
“I’m not living without guns, it’s just that simple.”
What the fuck? This little precious package of privilege somehow thinks that *she* of all people needs to be strapped to the motherfucking teeth to cut it in America?
If that were true (it’s not), what would that say about this country?