Is it bias if more street crime happens in these areas? Small timers are more likely to be swept up in neighbourhoods known for crime and attracting police presence. I think it speaks more to racism in society (which results in minorities being more likely to be crowded into underprivileged, crime-plagued areas) than…
Because there is? That's not a reflection on the character of the inhabitants, but poor people commit more crime than rich people (in terms of violent crime, robbery etc). The economic/social reasons for this are a complex issue, but that's the sum of it in terms of stats.
Exactly. You are far more likely to get away with shenanigans in an affluent part of town than in a crime-ridden neighbourhood. This isn't to say I think this situation is fair - of course it isn't, but the causes are far more complicated than a bunch of cops deciding to go and hang out to catch some black guys…
Omg don't even. I don't know where they meet the women they supposedly date, but they all seem to be 90s hookers played by Jennifer Tilly.
Have watched twice, can confirm. Bit of an intensity overload that makes me think that, sadly, we cannot be together; but we could give it a go anyway.
I don't think it's so much the nudity as the sexualisation. It's relentless in advertising etc., and it doesn't give children a healthy view of the body, in my opinion, and plants the seeds of unrealistic body standards in both boys and girls that can later turn into serious problems. That's not so say I think these…
Yes, I will now go and shave my bush because women in porn do it. I will then put on a sheer bathrobe, call a repairman and have sex on a copier. Seriously, wtf?
I find it strange that someone could feel so differently about Fey and Poehler, as their styles are very similar. Having watched 30 Rock since the beginning and when I finally sat down to Parks and Rec a few months back (and devoured all 4 series in about two weeks) I was often taken aback by how eerily alike their…
Food preferences are not equal to dismissing over half the world's population, though. Saying you don't like women comedians is like saying you don't like black writers or blond architects - either you are ignorant, as in you are judging off a tiny sample and haven't bothered to look in any depth, or you are bigoted.…
Why do we have to choose which of them is 'better' to say that this was a shitty thing for a figure in the public eye to say? Doing charity work doesn't get you a free pass to shoot off your uninformed bullshit without being opposed by people who aren't morons.
I get that the older generation he belongs to were raised to see women as dainty and ethereal and so seeing them doing gross-out or slapstick stuff might strike them as weird and not funny (heck, even my much younger dad randomly said he didn't like the Charleston on some celebrity dancing show because it made him…
The guy Blair both looks and sounds exactly like the really flamboyant gay guy who gets into the mobsters' car in Mean Streets.
When I waitressed a few years back (in the UK), the custom at our place was that tips were yours personally if they were put into your hand by the customer and to be pooled if left out on the table. I sort of see the logic, because it was a busy place (a hotel that often catered coach trip parties, meaning dozens of…
Have to say, the jibe at Disney princesses being white
I know! It's like how we mouth-breathing idiots would imagine celebrity life, BUT IT'S REAL.
Okay, I'm really panicking here so someone needs to tell me: is everyone in this movie made-up to look older or is that how they actually look now? If it's the latter, I think I will go crawl off to an elephant graveyard...
The increased use of Donna has been one of my favourite developments over the last few seasons. Even the smallest throwaway line she manages to turn into gold. I remember in the gala episode this year when they were trying to set up this huge event with no resources and she just walks up to Ben and says "Found one…
The 75-year-old retired sea captain said he was initially not sure what was going on: "It felt strange to be talking to a group of ladies with blue rinses and rubber daggers," he said.
Because Britain had a very, very low non-white population prior to the 1950s concentrated in some areas of London and major port cities? Trust me, there are no shenanigans at work here. My great-grandmother lived all her life in semi-rural England and when she died in 2007 the only black person she had ever seen was…