
This. Pretending that there are not gradations of awful is just insulting to the women in cultures who, on the whole, are suffering worse shit than 99% of us in the West could ever imagine. And recognising that there are some places which are hella worse to be born a girl in, and supporting women there trying to

Although my hangover was very slight (and more tiredness than anything else), I certainly appreciated a plate of my grandma's stovies this evening. Scottish classic: corned beef, potatoes and onion simmered down into the world's most nourishing mush, and a top-notch hangover suppressant.

At first I thought you were talking about Harry Carey Sr. (probs best known for playing the President of the Senate in Mr Smith Goes To Washington) and I was like "Oh no, I love that guy!" and then I realised "Oh wait. He was like 60 years old in the 1930s. Yeah, that's probably his son." And this is why I'm single,

In which case the only profession available to him is 'brand of whiskey'...

I saw Deborra-Lee Furness in an Australian film called Jindabyne and she made a very strong impression. I taped it purely because it had Laura Linney and Gabriel Byrne in (two of my favourite people, now married in my head) and had no idea that the fantastic actress playing one of their friends was Hugh Jackman's wife

I can't really get as mean about this as I want to because it reminds me of the society that Katy and her friends make up in What Katy Did At School, one of my favourite books (although Katy was a dreadful prig post-accident, Clover and Rose Red more than made up for it). The Society for the Suppression of Unladylike

Prince William is in the RAF, not the army. The pics are good though.

My immediate question is why does Maine suck so much?*

I can confirm that at Oxford University the term is 'pre-lashing', more commonly phrased as 'a pre-lash' though. Who DOESN'T pre-lash, by the way? I think at least half the time I don't even buy a drink when we actually get to the clubbing part. On top of the cover charge, the overpriced vodka-cokes don't exactly seem

Very telling the difference between the audience's reaction here and at the Repub concession speech. While both candidates spoke graciously about their rivals, Mitt's crowd were fairly lukewarm in their applause, whereas Obama's were practically effusive. That said, the Dem crowd were clearly ecstatic - though while

Maybe it's an American thing? I'm from the UK and the years between 12 and 15 were pretty much a pleasant blur to me. I was a fairly innocuous, bookish but socially average kid in an average state school. Not saying that no-one ever said or did a mean thing to me in that time, but I seriously don't recall school being

I must say, I think Gary Glitter is far more notorious as a multiply-convicted paedophile than a rock star at this point (not to mention that this aspect of his character is surely more relevant to the Savile case). Not really a complaint (hey, I love 'I'm the Leader of the Gang' as much as the next person), just

Agreed. It already makes sense to mos people. If a black friend told me she was going to wear a dress with nude tights I wouldn't be like "Won't that make you look really weird, though?" I would assume she meant tights the same colour as her skin tone. That said, it is often used on packaging for items clearly meant

They do know that lesbians are also women, right? And therefore likely to have at least a modicum of respect for a woman's personal autonomy, something these creeps don't understand even remotely. What both stuns and infuriates me is the conflation of arousal and judgement evident on these subreddits - wanking over

Ugh if this is true. Being joshed by a teacher is nothing like being joshed by a classmate. Firstly, having a teacher make a snide comment about you is intensely humiliating (both saw it happen to others in school and once or twice experienced it myself), no matter how light-hearted their intentions. The balance of

Weirdly enough, I did the exact same thing. And every other time I read the words Ellie Goulding. Probably because she is very blah and he was a hot slice of pie in the 70s...

Scarlet looks fine as Janet Leigh, but I just sought out some more pictures from the set and James D'Arcy looks just right as Anthony Perkins. Just awesome. Hopkins and Mirren are going to be wonderful - I hope the film really delves into Hitchcock's creepy, sadistic side, because Hopkins could really play the hell

Kissing someone without their consent is wrong, yes. But on the day Nazism fell, there's got to be an exception. And that's not pure hypocrisy - context is everything, and there's no point pretending it isn't. Drunk homeless guy on the subway - no. Sailor celebrating probably the most joyful once-in-a-lifetime day in

I HATE it when people like this blogger try to discount the opinions and feelings of the people they're actually discussing by implying they are brainwashed or just stupider than them. I don't understand how she can miss the irony here - she is ignoring the fact that said woman says she was not angered or upset, and

Perhaps it would work if she was given a very strong ensemble? It's amazing to see how far Tina Fey, for example, has come since season 1 of 3o Rock. At the outset she was a sketch comedienne playing a sketch role, but she has developed into a comedic actress completely capable of holding down a show. In terms of