This is a different guy than the dude who got embarrassed opening Al Capone’s empty vault on national TV?
An American centrist party that’s not the Democrats. Lib Dumbs, if you will.
He jumped. Next question
Man, Kratos’ wives are such a dying bunch...
This is true. On all counts.
Only to begin the cycle of wrist slapping and serious governance again.
Don’t forget Chicago.
The craven republicans no longer have a party. These fucks blew up their party. They’re on their way to blowing up the economy and most crucially blowing up the country. Democrats will swoop in to fixy things, like always. Only to begin the cycle of wrist slapping and serious governance again. It’s a tired abusive…
Here’s what playoff hockey in Montreal and Detroit looks like:
Fuck yes, this shit is my jam. I’ll fly in for every game if they start ice jousting and serving turkey legs* between periods.
I too was a server at a high dollar steak house. And would try to recommend a different cut for those ordering well done. They just didn’t get it. I was trying to be helpful and they would take offense.
I tend to give people 60+ the benefit of the doubt when it comes to wanting their steaks well done because I know so many people who had it drilled into their heads that meat had to be No Pink or else they’d get worms/listeria/e.coli/whatever and that stuff can be hard to shake.
You should include Sex Criminals and Lazarus on that list.
Are you having fun? Finish it. Are you NOT having fun? Youtube that ending.*
That Trihex emote shit is one of a hundred reasons I don’t participate in, or even view, Twitch chat if I’m watching a stream. In very rare cases, like the Bob Ross stream, the chat actually enhances the experience. In 99.9% of all other cases it’s just racist, ignorant, stupid, and overplayed meme shit.
Welp, good portion of his base is about to feel a really direct, inescapable sting.
*Sigh* Really dude you really went and said something that blatantly raciest? Is there some disconnect between these peoples brains and what comes out of their mouths? Why are so many Pros just complete fucktards?
Nah, looks like you punish yourself enough as it is