Mad Dog Brut

This is going to go over the heads of like 90% of people, and I LOVE IT

I mean, the two body bags are being handled by EMTs, so it has to be more than just whatever’s happening in Teddy’s head. Fwiw, the best explanation I’ve seen yet came from the subreddit:

THIS is what I was hoping for.


(White guy Atlanta stan here) It’s REALLY GODDAMN GOOD, THO. The last episode was some of the most gripping work I’ve ever seen in or out of a movie theater. Beautifully shot too

Yeah, I agree. We’ll see if anything actually HAPPENS, but I don’t see Trump in a hard place; I see him getting an escape valve.

By all accounts Mueller is one of the finest prosecutorial brains in the US. He has undoubtedly been using NY State law to charge the bulk of Trump’s associates for exactly this reason

Nah, you’re wrong, it was completely riveting and engrossing

For some reason, some other asshole came barging to give his opinion on my earlier comment, despite not having seen the ep. There are some motherfuckers who really enjoy the smell of their own asshole around here

DA:I was a complete mess of a game. I played through the base story, then thought “thank god I don’t have to play that anymore”. Next game I played was Witcher 3, which made me think “why in hell did I waste so much time on DA:I when I could have been playing this instead???”

Then this is a wholly pointless comment

Great point. I think the ones that put the “club” in “strip club” are the only applicable ones. I’ve been to some GRIMY strip clubs, and they’re just bars where occasionally a woman will take off her clothes

This made me check out the subreddit, where there are some theories flying thick and fast. While the cinematography of the episode is undeniable, the “B=T” theory falls apart pretty damn fast

WHAT??? Where is THAT coming from?

So if the argument is that Benny wasn’t real, who was in the wheelchair that Darius saw at the end? Teddy’s previous victim? I’m all for unanswerable headcanon theories, but this one is a stretch

“Much is said about Cardi B’s previous life as a stripper, but not in the context of how good a stripper’s ear typically is”

I can’t even tell you how much I would laugh if Diamond & Silk were just Milo and Tucker doing blackface “Oh Hello”

You forgot to mention that he has the best NASA pic of all time

Neutral: Trump is basically sundowning before our very eyes. His behavior is EXACTLY like my grandma in her middle stage Alzheimer’s, when she wouldn’t recognize her own son intermittently.