Mad Dog Brut

I’m right there in your age bracket, and grew up in Chicago as a Bulls fan, but LeBron is honestly a once-in-a-lifetime athlete to watch. He’s got way more variety and range to his game than Jordan ever did. The argument I always default to is that peak Jordan would beat peak LeBron in one on one, but if you were to

Agreed. It looks really well-maintained, and I LOVE everything about it. But that price is way too high, and the fact that it’s a project all sum up to a solid CP.


I’m trying to move away from drinking only IPAs, but dammit they’re so tasty

Nextwave is one of the most criminally underappreciated comics of the last 20 years


Yes, this movie sucks. However, it’s also fairly cool insomuch as the fight scenes are pretty captivating. Also, it at least glances in the direction of how bad the McManuses are with the interviews during the end credits. I probably saw this movie 6 times on video when I was in college.

I mean . . . I’m one of those weirdos who plays for the single player content. Tbh, I feel like I got my $60 worth in V without spending a minute online. So as long as 6 ponies up a fulfilling single player campaign, I’ll still buy it

Fuck them and fuck you. Mike Pence’s wife is routinely described as the motivating factor behind Mike’s awful policies. Just because they’re women doesn’t make them immediately laudable

TIL there are people who don’t think Rainbow Road is routinely the best part of Mario Kart

On the upside, these are like Truck Nutz: an easy way to tell that the driver of said vehicle is probably unstable, a moron, or both

D.K. Uzoukwu with the fire bars

I refuse to believe that Tebow winning a Heisman has devalued the award for NFL scouts. That’s ludicrous

I’m selfishly hoping that my Packers pluck him off the boards, and that Rodgers then gets off his high horse and takes him under his wing, and then we have three Hall of Fame QBs right in a row. That’s my big pipe dream

The pics of Shazam that I’ve seen are pretty heartening, actually. Cap’s always been a goofy character anyway; if they really play around with that, it could be a legitimately fun movie to see

“They clearly have their eyes on one of the four quarterbacks at the top of most draft boards—Baker Mayfield, Sam Darnold, Josh Rosen, Josh Allen”

Jordan retired a long time ago, buddy. What the fuck do you think the context of this discussion is?

One of them is named “Finn Wolfhard”. You lost that battle the second that name was created

It could be worse: you could be a fan of the Bulls, whose GM tandem is NEVER GOING AWAY. Drafting Lauri alone probably added 3 years to their contract