He’s a piece of shit
He’s a piece of shit
He got reinstated, but for a while he was basically disappeared from the site. Old comments of his were removed, he couldn’t comment, etc.
Gf and I watched this gif 20 times in a row. I can’t comprehend this
I mean, I’ve never seen an MD post that was awful, and they completely banned him. I’ve seen some clear trolls trying to talk shit, but none of MD’s posts (that I’ve seen) actually warranted the banhammer like that
Did you hear about the Mortal Dictata mess? Not Hachi, but a similar shitshow that was fucked the way it was handled
Dismiss Fartcopter, don’t even respond. CLEARLY a troll
GAH! Needs a “Not Safe For Lunch” tag
As a white male liberal atheist, I would like to hold Sargon’s head underwater for a very long time. Fuck that guy forever
Ooof, no. Aside from his own character in the movie, Pulp Fiction holds up very well. Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown are also incredible entries in the film canon. After that, things take a turn.
I played almost all the way through the surprisingly beefy demo, and I concur on a lot of this. However, I also read a few reviews since I was thinking about buying, and the reviews are almost uniformly turning me off, for how they refer to some late game decisions in the production. Given this (and CHRONICpeace’s…
I didn’t realize Kraft was so stylish as to coordinate his teeth color with the wallpaper behind him
Wow, you are not wrong. The review makes the movie sound WAY more alluring than the trailer
Saw Felt and immediately thought Slug/Murs. What a disappointment
Oooof, WAY incorrect. That article was 100% accurate. If he weren’t A. born into money I literally cannot fathom and B. really really good looking, he would not have the chances he’s gotten. Fuck Armie Hammer
They’ve been known to snatch dogs off the porches of their homes and put them in their shelters. PETA shelters are also kill shelters. They are UTTERLY full of shit and should be buried alive
Did you have to scooch it around (technical term) to get it to fit under the little flap at the front? It was the hardest part about getting the old one out
Hey, question about that: I replaced my cabin air filter (2012 Honda Civic), but for some reason the new filter didn’t fit flush with the housing. I looked up the specs and it’s the correct size for the car, but no matter how much finagling with it, it didn’t sit all the way in.
Packer fan here: Dez caught it. The fact it’s gone on this long is fucking absurd