Mad Dog Brut

Not my statement of “fact” and you’re nitpicking to avoid the larger point.

I keep debating buying the remade version of games like this, as well as a lot of the SNK classics. That art is GORGEOUS.

I’d also like to point out that FighterZ has been pretty successful because it also bucks a fairly major FG trend: it’s remarkably similar to pick up and start dealing out damage/unleashing cool looking moves. I WANT to love all the SNK/Arc fighters, but the systems and subsystems are intimidating

“As the ADL notes, the ROF, which describes itself as a “white civil rights organization fighting for white identitarian politics” is seeking to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida.”

Not too long ago, I was making peanuts and living in an actual food desert for the first time in a long time (the closest grocery store was 2 miles away, and their produce section was TINY). I pride myself on cooking a lot of my own food, but it was a pain in the ASS given my constraints. That was a wakeup call for me

2nd Gear: Christ, who cares?

I’m going to a 330 matinee tomorrow. I feel it’s important to let Hollywood know that these kinds of movies are important and I want them to feel propelled by both ticket sales and positive press.

So you think that bringing up 4 mass shootings somehow nullifies the point? We’ve had more than that THIS YEAR.

Dammit. Thanks

Wait a sec, is there a Lunar Silver Star remake floating around? Is it for PS4???

“The game no longer tells you whether the armor you’re about to buy will actually improve your characters’ defense values.”

There’s some implicit classism at work in a LOT of these comments, for sure

You just pulled a “well actually” on someone whose friends were just murdered. Fuck yourself with a horse

There was a really good article I read recently that lower income folks eat more fast food than higher (at least partially) because it’s an indulgence they can afford and it’s still a treat for their kids. If Mickey D’s can still be considered a treat for lower-income kids in this context, I think the change is a good

They’re being petty as shit, but they’re also not WRONG...

Read it again, dumbfuck

Is this the same guy who yelled at an African American guy in the street and said he was his slave or something? Why does this name ring a bell for me?

Beat me to it. HOLY SHIT that movie is HORRENDOUS

“refreshingly grey and subdued”