Infinitely fuck yourself
Infinitely fuck yourself
I think there’s a tribe of natives down in Patagonia that goes naked except for blubber, so you’re probably not too far off
I mean, yes, but that also speaks to the power of those designs. Rocksteady didn’t have to keep the decor going, especially since Batman Begins and Dark Knight were fresher on people’s minds when the games were released
I’m really grappling with how to respond to this. So your argument is that companies should never reinvest their money into their employees because they could be reinvesting them into the company? Here’s a better idea: reinvest dividends into the company, give profits to your employees to keep them around. Amazon has…
Cuomo is such a jackass for pulling this shit and then complaining about how bad the MTA is. Motherfucker, it’s YOUR AGENCY
It is TELLING that the local GOP isn’t even planning to run a token candidate to at least challenge this smear of shit.
He fires automatic machine guns at a truck with guys in the trailer that explodes. There are several people in that trailer. What’s your criteria for deciding whether or not someone actually dies in a superhero movie? Do you need to see their charred corpse?
The most amazing part of Burton’s Batman movies was how he absolutely nailed down what Gotham City “should” look like. The Gotham setting was one of my favorite parts of waiting in line for Batman: The Ride at Great America. Also, I’ll point out that while The Animated Series is still arguably the ultimate Batman…
Then you literally weren’t watching the movie. He’s a mass murderer in BvS
It’s not wasteful by default, but hiring Santiago Calatrava to build the WTC station was a COLOSSAL waste of money. He’s one of the most famous architects in the world! His blueprint fee alone probably could have paid off another architect’s entire fee! It’s an absolutely beautiful station, but you don’t need to hire…
I think the “she” might need quotation marks too
“Mel and Sue are great and all but they got a bit boring after so many years.”
Doug McDermott should give up any dreams he ever had and make it his life’s goal to play for every team in the NBA. 4 teams in 3 years? That’s doable!
Damn, that’s a shame. These shots are INCREDIBLE
HOLY CRAP was that Christopher Lee sitting right to the Joker’s left???
Funny, I hate how attracted I still am to Angelina. WTF is wrong with me?!?
The Situation just slurring “oh shit who sent you” over and over is comedy gold
“You’ll frequently feel outnumbered and hopeless”
No! *adds pepperoni bread to grocery list*