
1. I didn’t write one?

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

Can I both believe her and at the same time never in a million years think Ryan Seacrest would want his penis near a woman?

No. You either took part in the class action and accepted the offer. Or you took matters into your own hands. There was no “above me” that was the beautiful thing. The settlement specialists assigned to the dealers were autonomous. Yes we had mobile supervisors we could contact for issues with vehicle returns or if we

I wonder, Michael, what the result would be if you could get the Franklin administrator who has so successfully “solved the racism problem” - twice - and asked him if he saw any connections between the two incidents.

Go directly to Word Jail, you villain! #Lexiconvict

As a woman I can’t speak on the prostate thing but I would imagine it is akin to penetrative sex vs. a Pap smear. It’s the situation that makes it pleasurable not the mechanics

There should not be a stigma. If someone enjoys it, more power to him and his partner.

Man, Crosby was terrible in this tournament.

Doesn’t some langauge have a word for feeling joy at others’ failure?

I believe the German word is “Saskatchewan.”

Nah, you’re 100% allowed to be attracted to whoever you want. One just might want to consider whether expressing that attraction in response to a woman being praised for doing a bang up professional job on the topic of sexual harassment is the best choice in the moment.

Cuban was outright defending Sterling. He made more than a few deeply embarrassing statements during that time.

I thought so.

One thing that just occurred to me about this Cuban situation...

Rachel Nichols is a treasure.

“You’re not literally a beat writer.

We don't care

you know... at least you tried.

But every play's like: