
Im a lifelong Angels fan (yes, we do exist!) and I think this is the coolest thing Ive seen (...since the last game saving Trout catch).  No joke, fuckin cool.

Scissoring aside, IM totally offended.

Ive been a Laker fan for life, and have nothing but real world love for you & dads & basketball in general.

Ill take Dysfunctional over Well Thought Out all day if it gets me the Lakers position vs. Celts position today.

You act like youve never read Hillarys emails.  ITs all there.  oh yeah.. BehNGhazzzI!

Pardon Our (Cyber) Dust.
I actually saw that once a few moons ago... Did I love it? Yes, yes I did.

In my head I see:
Somewhere Blake Griffin laughs aloud...

I LOVE National Conversations!!! The last ten have all gone so well!

I have this sensation moving through me... feels like.... Ive had it before but its been so long.... happy?  no... oh yeah, proud!  Super Proud!

From the shallow... to the deep.  God bless you my good sir.

No no no nonononono. Theres a reason, but thats not it.

You left out 5 Iron & Strip, but yeah...

Meet me in the back of the blue bus brother...

This guy really is remarkable as a sort of performance art.  He really is.

Umm... you may want to write (or pray) for George RR Martin to finish the books.  Thats your out.


yeah but, it had a lot of movement ;)

Thats really well said JS & about sums up everyone’s angst & frustration. +1 to you from my highschool AP english teacher.

My first thought when I heard this was:

For a team led by Chris & Harden, this is going to be bad that they know this is where the Execs are focussing as well. Good managers / owners get the team to not focus on the calls & focus on the play. When adversity strikes, and something doesnt go there way in Game 2, they

How long exactly would it take those 1000 monkeys to bang out this sentence?