I think one thing we can all agree on, is thats the best damn sign Ive seen in years.
I think one thing we can all agree on, is thats the best damn sign Ive seen in years.
The science of stimulating the area with multiple small “iritations” (needles) and the corresponding blood flow & natural healing, that can come from that is real. It aint gunna cure cancer or a broken arm, but it has its place as part of a comprehensive program.
The Natural
I give it to ESPN radio. Alabama radio gets points for knowing the recievers name, but ESPN radio had the best build, delivery & captured the moment w/ the “freshman” comment.
If Nicole Brown Simpson hadn’t married a “nigger” (O.J. Simpson), she would still be alive.
Im sorry, but I loved this.
Nothing new to add or build on it, just loved it for what it is.
Thats a good question & no cause Jeanie aint no push over, and she is smart.
“hello the owner of this phone Courtney. I am buying an iPad.”
Im sorry is there not a simple Lavar Ball fix here we are all overlooking?
insightful, thank you.
In their defense, Hermione, by the time of Beauty & the Beast, was pretty hot.
good luck...in Haiti
This is not writing, it is literature. hat tip!
THIS is good. VERY good. Ill be stealing this now...
I agree in general, but man I love her voice. very engrossing.
But does it apply to me if LeBron didn’t tell me directly?
At least we only committed to $3M, thats not Ohtani of money.
Sure, but he’s a hall of fame, left wing, nut job.
put up christmas lights
Old Devil