
All of you are forgetting the most heinous act possible. Judith.

Maggie has a key role to play in the Hilltop storyline, and they are already setting her up for that, so I think she’s safe. Also, Negan doesn’t get off on hurting women and children, so I don’t think he’d go for a pregnant Maggie.

I think they need to consider it might be Judith. What would be more sickening than that?

I think JDM has the psychotic grin down. That’s him playing The Comedian in Watchmen.

I still wonder just how they’ll translate the look/feel of the kill to the show; the comic gives Negan an almost Golden-Age Superhero grin. He looks positively serene. It’s such a wild contrast to what’s going on.

In tone with the comics....Except for Negan’s code of not killing women or children (at least by his own hands)

You, uh caught up on the show? You might have missed the episode where Glenn killed several people, two of them were sleeping.

If i was a betting man (which i am) i would say Morgan is gonna meet Lucille. If they follow through the way the rest of the comics story goes when Negan and the Saviors are defeated Rick let’s the Saviors live and continue to be a community that they trade with. Negan becomes Rick’s prisoner in a cell in his