I wasn’t a particular fan of this car back in 2010, but I saw it up close last weekend at the Mecum auction in Indy and I was really impressed. Great detailing, a wonderful exhaust note (a bit different than the viper), and really smooth lines. I know it didn’t sell, but if I had the cash, I would have bought it. It…
While I may not be the biggest fan of some of our policies, there is nothing I detest more than a self righetous, self hating American. If you are, in fact, part of this catagory... please feel free to punch yourself in the face and move to France, Iran, or some 3rd world suck hole and have your circle jerk of sadness…
But then supercar sales in China will plummet and we won’t get anymore cool toys to talk about.
Who the hell is Chris Evans and why should I care about this turd blossom?