THANK YOU. I caught that too and I was like...wat...he so almost said it. He so almost did.
THANK YOU. I caught that too and I was like...wat...he so almost said it. He so almost did.
He was on Larry Wilmore's show recently and mentioned that a female relative (his grandmother maybe?) was one of the first African American women to serve as a captain in the war, if I remember correctly. He was very proud and I was impressed.
Was Jez paid to turn these sisters into the next Kardashians?
Thank you.
I am so happy about this.
She is going to play Ma Rainey. She is going to kill it. I am so excited. I'm a huge fan of Ma Rainey and I just know it's going to be amazing.
That episode was the night before last, and it made me really angry. I lost count at how many times her husband/kids were brought up. It became all about them and how they felt about her going to Mars. She was given almost no opportunity to delve into her own reasons for going. And the rest of the panel were all…
I'm just a couple hours north of Valdosta, and after that godawful CMT mess I was really hoping these reality shows would stop. I know too many folks that really are these people. Let's not glorify them. Let's just ignore them, pretend they don't exist, and maybe they will fade away into nothingness. Seriously. I've…
Gonna be much harder to smile and forgive that dang ol' Kanye and his silly shenanigans when he's so obviously slut-shaming someone he loved (or at least liked a whole lot) at one time.
I've always hated her, because she over pronounces every single word in her songs. Every single one. She just puts this strange emphasis on the last syllable of everything she sings and it drives me to distraction. Whenever I'd mention this to someone in the past, back when she was a thing, they'd just look at me…
I commented on one of the first Jez articles about Dornan and Johnson's supposed hate-filled lack of chemistry to suggest that it was all hype just to drum up publicity. Every time I saw another article or post about the two of them I felt it was even more true. Dornan is married so the publicity machine couldn't…
I read these books when they first came out. I bought them for a friend who was panting for them, and since I'm a super fast reader, snuck in a read before I gave them to her, thinking I'd be laughing and cackling all the while. Like you, I did cackle at first at the bad writing and plot, but somewhere about a third…
God, I know it's not remotely likely, but if he ran for President...I can dream for a minute. That would be so fantastic.
I was so with you until the "worst Beatle" remark. There is no worst Beatle. Unless you force me to choose and then it's Ringo.
Paparazzi scum. I really wish there were some laws preventing them from chasing celebrities. The death of Diana taught us absolutely nothing.
This is a total scream.
As a person who had a severe allergic reaction to the MMR vaccine as a child and had to be hospitilized, who is on the spectrum, who also has a son on the spectrum, and still somehow manages to NOT be anti-vaccine...thanks for this.
I'm still holding out hope after all this time that he and Winona are going to end up together in their old age and get all their shit together. I still ship those crazy kids. Stop thwarting my plans, Depp.
Being from Athens, I've bumped into a lot of musicians and a couple of random celebs. Billy Corgan is insanely tall and actually really polite, albeit kind of strange and shy. I literally bumped into him one time outside my work and he was sort of pacing the sidewalk with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.