Lieutenant Obvious

I have a better idea.

there is no connection odds-wise between one flip of a coin and the next one, or the next 1,000, or the next 1,000,000,000.

Each one is an individual event unrelated and unique

But the coin did not land tails the first time, it landed heads. That would eliminate the tails-tails and tails-heads possibilities, leaving only heads-heads or heads-tails. So, 50%?

You multiply the indivdual odds out to figure out the odds of the last event. In this case its 50-50 with the drop to the ground. So first time heads has a 50% chance. Second time we multiply .5*.5 and get .25, or a 25% that it would be heads two times in a row. Other people are right in the 50% because each

Smoke Heated, Pig Simmers As Chili Bowl Turns Spicy


Somewhere in the Miss Universe offices, a human resources person is regretting not noticing “BALLOT DESIGN- 2000, FLORIDA” on a resume.

1st and 10

Since that equation relies on tourism to sites that would still exist in a republic, why not just ax the family and give their stipend to English Heritage? Seems like a less roundabout way of doing things.

That argument is very controversial in the UK and it’s not at all clear that the royal family itself generates much tourism outside of the occasional jubilee or wedding. It essentially relies on counting all heritage tourism (the vast majority of which would occur anyways) as monarchy-specific tourism.

What a coincidence, NPOCP has your winner. Not only the ridiculousness of a Celebrity called a Eurosport, but a performance appearance group on top of that.

Extra credit for the Cleveland accent. (Clipping the short a’s and intermittently sobbing.)

Well, people are born with advantages they didn’t earn all the time. A guy born healthy in Switzerland has an inherent advantage over someone born without legs in Somalia. Should we switch the two at the age of 18 just to level the playing field?

So everyone else should pay because you’re bitter nobody has ever left anything to you? Fuck right off.

An easy way to find out who did it is to challenge every kid in the neighborhood to a footrace and confront the dad who comes over to resuscitate the kid who collapses first.