
Strawberry Fields is your Huckleberry.

What no blaster sound?

@rxe7en: Dude, I think you parked your Mazda on it's side.

@freakboy9: Oh, yes! I forgot about the dumpster! It was awesome. My cat would sit there stupidly until it nearly ran it over then it would stop and fire x100!

@BadassSailor: You see that's exactly what I'm talking about. That's a perfectly acceptable solution. (Care to fix our welfare system?)

@LordDaMan: I find it more difficult to see if the windows are directly behind me. I had a setup where my monitors were 90 degrees to East facing windows and I faced South. Light was horrible until about 9-10 am, then it was fine the rest of the day.

When will Lebowski Bowling be in the App Store?

Here is how Obama can save his presidency and the world.

@LordDaMan: There are blinds on the windows.

@Gino Camaro: Rock of Ages! Exactly what I was thinking.

F'n brilliant.

@icamp: Replace Ping with iTunes in your first sentence.

@Nitesh Singh: I can't wait to use iTunes to check my mail, balance my checkbook, create a will, edit photos and video.

@donlphi: Why not allow two way sync to Dropbox or Mozy over Wi-Fi? Streaming music makes sense, but a set it and forget it backup for pics, videos, and even your profile would be great. I read this week how to sync photos to Picassa with a jailbroken phone. I'm not interested in jailbreaking. I just want it to work.

1. Multi-user - so my wife and kids can log onto her Facebook and email accounts by selecting a user.