
@Fredy04: I thought that was because alcohol burns cooler that let's say gasoline.

@Markarian: So "green" actually equals money.

That's bloody brilliant. I just bought my kids a laptop and had to figure out which flavor of AMD/Intel was the best, but I believe manufacturer's don't want us to know what's inside.

@jaragonzalo: Wait, you speak Spanish? Fox News said you spoke Chilizian.

@hameed67: So am I: Imagine 33 miners trapped in a mine and one of them is the Devil!

@Gregg Symington: Please redo the article with the phones pictured here.

@jeffeb3: I agree. It looks like the zip ties will rub at your neck.

I say they replace it with a taser circle. Last man standing gets gold. Second place gets to go home.

@Segador: .44 Magnum, when you need to blow someone's head clean off.

@HektikLyfe: I thought the intent was to replace cable and satellite TV. $.99 a show is a bit steep. I agree some may use it once in a while to catch a show they missed, but $.99 on iTunes gets you a song you can listen to whenever you want. Why not do the same for TV shows?

Who would "rent" a TV show for $.99? Maybe some people would pay $.99 for an HBO or Showtime original series, but network TV sucks anyway.

@twilight-arc: We could call it: Free United Camera Kingdom - Against Social Suppression

Sam Spratt you are a magnificent basatrd.

It probably evaporated.

How about a Dragon Naturally Speaking texting app? You talk, it types.

@Irina Wylder: Sam Pratt's work is fabulous, I hope Gawker is paying him well.