How about Apple letting me print my email right to a fucking printer. Sure it would be magical to show an eTicket at a gate, but:
How about Apple letting me print my email right to a fucking printer. Sure it would be magical to show an eTicket at a gate, but:
"…flat is where it's at."
I want spinners for my bike.
@TriGun5312: Target sells them also.
@verziehenone: The fact is I would feel sorry for the mother because her son was an idiot, not because he's now a drooling vegetable. If people get hurt trying to pull off a stupid stunt they assume the risk the moment they leave this earth, literally. As far as being morbidly obese there are very few medical…
@komododave: or Tosh.0
@CoHPhasor: I think you should apologize for for misspelling Douche.
@bluelight7: Jason, please let me: You see this poor woman has diabetes because evil corporations like McDonalds suck you in with their Dollar menu and scalding hot coffee. If only our government could pass healthcare to take care of unfortunate Americans like this.
Pussy. What next? Are you going to apologize to all of the fat people who have to ride scooters around the store. You were responding to a photo of a woman pushing a stroller with a Segway. You didn't call her out by name. How many funny pictures do we laugh at that may have a tragic story behind them? I don't care if…
How much does XM radio use? I listened to it for a day at work and my data shot way up. Not an option for everyday listening.
Now maybe my wife can take a decent picture!
Ha-ha! The guy that sold them duped the buyer for 35 bucks!
When exactly did Microsoft jump the shark? Microsoft Bob?
Adam, we've been busy.
@LTMP: I would love to see something similar to XBMC where you point your media to the directories or folders you want and it just works. Instead of starting in music or the iTunes Store, start with a simple menu that complements the iDevices.
This is another reason iTunes fails. It's far to bloated to be an all encompassing media player. Music, books, apps, documents, movies, TV shows, comics, etc...
If he were a man he could have outrun them like this...
@ieatcatastrophe: Agreed
@The Yellow Peril: That explains everything!
@jwetmore: I like the open ending. It forces us to use our imaginations.