
@FriedPeeps: @FrankenPC: It almost reminds me of The Sixth Sense where everyone loved it then you heard comments like, "I knew he was dead right away." I say too bad to all of the naysayers. I enjoyed Inception's mindtrip and to compare it to Dark Knight is ridiculous. Apples and oranges. Let each stand on it's own

Why does the Mac Dude have a handlebar mustache?

I want Walmart to put RFID tags on EVERYTHING so I can push my cart through an automatic checkout that totals my purchase and bills my credit card without stopping.

What about all of the times we were told nothing can exist in a black hole...blah blah blah.

@rainman: With all of the news on foreclosures I'm surprised there hasn't been more news on repos.

@fadecomic: I heard from someone familiar with the matter the Cash For Clunkers program killed the used car market. It is very difficult to find a used car at a decent price because there isn't a glut of them out there.

@Ducttape-Guru: @—Core—: Reminds me of when the guy falls on the chainsaw in Smokin' Aces.

I demand Michael Mann make a movie of these events.

Suck it 3-D!

ROI should really contain Worldwide Box Office numbers.

Suit up!

@d3c509b aka Steve: Evernote is a really good program. They are very proactive when adding features and updating. Hopefully you will see some updates soon.

I'm the God-damned Batman!

@d3c509b aka Steve: You mean a decent Evernote App or just Blackberry Apps in general?

Win: Evernote

@blackcat12: Now how can I read about excellent tech news without wondering how Giz will put the Fox News spin on everything Apple does?

Now Giz can whine about something else.