It looks like Stark gave them a makeover. Is that suppose to be Loki on the right?
@Malorkis: I guess you could say he flipped his lid.
@FiddlingWhileJimRomeBurns: Mission Accomplished!
@jjswee: Hence the ghetto air conditioner. What was I thinking.
@Trevor Do: I recently read that. It would be cool to have some slow trippy fracs or even a time lapsed photo that changes throughout the day.
@Robert 'K-M' Alicea: Steve Jobs: We're working on it.
@Almightywhacko: Are there any good live wallpapers for Windows 7?
Those coolers cost like three bucks. Why not poke a couple holes in top so the lid fits better?
I like what you've done with the place. Is it hot in the summer? I live near Chicago and it can get a bit humid this time of year.
@Kevin Hamer: @Metkis: @taniquetil: Here's my beef, everyone is clamoring for a class action lawsuit against Apple for what may or may not be a problem. Apple has said if your phone has reception problems return it. Apple seems to be working in good faith to fix a problem that affects a minority of users. The…
I've had my phone since launched day and have not dropped a call yet. A design flaw would affect the majority of users.
Rule #1 of storytelling: Show, not tell.
@GoldVrod: Cool Steampunk lightsabers. Lucasfilm will be on you to remove this obvious Star Wars production art post haste.
Do you know what would be cooler? If Eggo actually made the frozen equivalent then I wouldn't have to cook them. I could just pop them in the toaster and wallah Wafflesicles! They're Wafflicious!
I guess she is a little em-bare-assed.
@Will Maitner: I agree. Time to move on Giz. You use to be my favorite stop in the morning. Now it's like what Apple story have they blown out of proportion today. Don't be those guys. You're bigger than that.
I have a hard time believing a Navy Seal would miss the center mass of the iPhone.