
Come one man, don't undersell it.


Invisible Shield skins the front and back of iPhone 4.

I have a question. If iPhone 4 uses a micro sim is there a way I can swap sims so I can use a backup phone where I wouldn't take an iPhone?

@september11th: Wow Giz you have really changed your stripes. Apple is the new Obama and Giz is now Fox News.


So they set the bar a little higher. Way to shoot for the stars.

Do workers in China get a choice where to work? Are they assigned to work at Foxconn and similar companies? What happens if they don't make quota? Are they fired or what?

I met McQuarrie at a comic convention once. They had huge likes for several of the original actors who played Vader, Boba Fett, and R2-D2. Off to the side there was a slight man sitting at a table talking with a couple people. I recognized him and went right over. I had a fascinating chat with him for about half an

@xamenek: You must live in my neighborhood.

@pastor.allan: Cost overruns hurt the ending (just like The Abyss), but I like Costner's post apocalyptic movies. They had potential too bad the genre has turned into all Zombie breakout movies. At this point I would welcome another Waterworld (sans silly jet ski chases and explosions.)

Get it? Smurf'd=high as in I'm going to get Smurf'd.

Fuggit, I'm going to AT&T store.


@thebluepill: The suits writing the checks may say otherwise.

Cool, but IKEA doesn't carry the Benjamin anymore.

@Alizarin: It's it kind of selfish of his children not to move to New Zealand for six years so we can get The Hobbit? Spoiled little bastards!

@screemname: T2? As far as I'm concerned there is only one T2 and it was directed by James Cameron, it had two robots, and it rocked.

vote: Amazon

@Maria Jackson: I couldn't tell. It looked like Bob Dylan. I just remember Swank liked playing dudes.