
... and nothing for the very last Darkwing Duck comic ever (that we know of. As of right now, Marvel hasn't picked up the license)

Hello Kotakuites

well, sort of everything. I'm not title focused (but I will talk about the titles I know better since I know them better. I won't rule out other titles though.) But it's also going to talk about legal issues, analysis of games/set pieces/costumes, etc. and so on.

Dear Kotaku:

The. Soundtrack.... (runs around squealing) I still need to convince someone to go halfsies with me, but yes!

(Bangs head on keyboard)

Dear world,

I HAVE! I never watched the 80's one, but I've been flat out blown away by the reboot. It looks amazing, and the stories are even better. Hooray for characterization, and plot, and development, and... wow.

I can't find you. I'm madammina on there so, buddy me so I can buddy you.

Try moving to a different location? Or compete in some writing sprints with people? (What's your handle on the NaNoWriMo website?)

If I Finish NaNoWriMo, then I'll get a game to treat myself.

Worth it. Lab Rat and the Left 4 Dead where two fantastic comics that I would have paid money for... if they weren't already free.

Depends.... As a KH fan, I'm a bit annoyed at the FM's that don't make it over stateside that actually deal with the plot.... like Terra in KH2FM+. Yes, that was actually pretty important. Same with Xemnas showing up in KH1 and the post game bosses in BBS will have something to do with KH3 or DDD or BBSV2.

I did, for a secretary position. Never heard back (as of yet anyway. Most of my interviews came MONTHS after I sent it in. Disney was more recent) However, I don't have the background necessary for some of the other jobs. I was not an art major nor have I worked any big projects. Disney would be AMAZING, but I

(pulls out her bar of infinite and legal drinks, and has non alcoholic drinks for those underage)

But then my issue is I don't know if I will/can play it. (My computer was NOT built to run games)

No Money (seriously, I'm broke) and I don't have an Xbox. And I really don't have the time. It's a few hours with my brother at school and my PSP at night (which is Dissidia. I'm trying to see what happens if you play every day for a year)