
Just kidnap her copy ;)

I know!In game scratch paper is great.

On the flip side, my brother refuses since he couldn't solve the second puzzle in the first game. I try to have him help but...

More of the awesome sameness. Sometimes not changing up the formula can be a good thing.

That's fine too. Enjoy Phoenix Wright!

So I spent alot of time gaming yesterday. New games are awesome.

Mom has forbidden me from doing a costume that people won't get. So while I CAN do Zelda and Peach, some of my favorites are off the list. (sigh)

The first one? Okay! Well, some people may not like it... but a majority do.

(Cyan Fangirl flailing)

Now playing

And, yet again, Thank you for Cyan. (3:46)

While they are more or less stand alone, there are arcs over the three PW. For example, the final case of Trials and Tribulations isn't as powerful if you didn't play games 1 and 2. It is still a fantastic case by itself though.

You HAVE to play, it's great!

AGREED. though I found love for block puzzles of all things.

.... that is unexpectedly awesome!

They unlock some sort of bonuses at the end... I forget what though. I think it's also a matter of pride.

Really? cool!

No, I understand. The only reason I'm getting it is because my brother got me Dissidia for my birthday... only to find out I already had it. So, we're exchanging it and I'm getting Layton!

I'm getting a new game Tuesday!

As you know, I have had alot of issues with my Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. Considering how I'm jobless and my laptop isn't a necessity (this is on the family computer) I can't really replace it.

Words can not express how much I want to thank you. So I will do an interpretative dance.