Ah the luxury of having never bought an item from Walmart. You obviously have never lived in a small town with poor parents, and the only place for 30 miles is a Walmart. In rural areas, it’s a necessity.
Ah the luxury of having never bought an item from Walmart. You obviously have never lived in a small town with poor parents, and the only place for 30 miles is a Walmart. In rural areas, it’s a necessity.
Just another lesson in how capitalist enterprises can never truly be feminist ones. In the war between do right by women/employees and make money, make money always wins.
Same, but I got a platform and a slow news day so here we are.
“My spouse and mother gave me advice, but I don’t like it so I won’t do it”
I wish the media would focus more on the Mercer family (the billionaire donors who convinced Trump to hire Conway and Bannon). They make the Koch brothers look positively benign.
If yer daddy was a member of a Nazi-affiliated group and yer affiliated with an antisemitic political party and ya wear that Nazi group’s medal on television and sign yer name in tribute to a Nazi group and that Nazi group sez yer a member and when yer asked whether yer a member of a Nazi group ya just say “No…
Sidney Keys III loves to read, and about six months ago he concocted a plan to start a reading club for boys his age…
Liberals keep dreaming of this magic bullet, this shocking revelation that will spur protective governmental action that’s going to somehow make it all better. They still think Trump is an aberration instead of the natural result of our system and the way both parties have developed over the last several decades, and…
Okay, we’re not friends. Presto! Like magic.
Both teachers and child care providers are two of the most underpaid professions in this country. I get really pissed when people think that teachers are just stand ins for child care providers because even child care providers deserve to be paid 2-3x what they actually make.
What a bummer for that dude who has to watch his kids. This is on par with parents who say they are “babysitting”.
Do you even bowhunt?
It’s so frustrating and offensive when these guys think it’s more appriopriate to make jokes than to take something seriously and get on our fucking side for once.
Seriously. I thought Emma’s post last night was about how seriously and thoughtfully the men were taking their posting duties today? And yet we’re getting the same crap we got when AJ ran Jez for a day (at least no one has posted the nude selfies that women sent them... yet).
A conservative relative of mine wrote a post on Facebook after the liberal guy who wrote for a left-wing blog was arrested as responsible for some of the bomb threats and wrote how he was laughing at all the dumb Libtards who wished the suspect to be something else. I simply responded “no, libtards like me wished…
God doesn’t exists, next question.
Thats a dissappointing and simplistic definition born from pirivilege.
It’s well past time all nations around the World start raising up to their claims about being “civilized” and treating religious entities - any of them, not only the Catholic Church - as any other instituition, without privileges or special treatment. Imagine any other instituition other than one related to the church…
I will never understand the controversy over calling the non-dairy dairy replacements “milk”. Milk in this case is not a literal description, but instead a word that connotes the taste, texture, and uses of the beverage in a succinct way. We all know it didn’t actually come from an udder, we’re not confused, and we’re…
Lord help us.