I’m so tired of people acting as if liberals are somehow in some “elite bubble.”
I don’t know anything about the dude you’re talking about, but every vegan on earth has heard the “LOL oral sex isn’t vegan!” taunt a million times before. For those of us who are women, we generally get an even more annoying variation along the lines of “Damn, you’re vegan? I was sure I was going to get you to do…
Trick question. It’s not food, it’s medical waste.
I think they missed an opportunity with Diane, who is a character modeled off of little girls who have a lot in common with Hillary Clinton. Watching empowered, brilliant, bossy, serious little girls realize that maybe no one will take her seriously when she grows up has been one of the more heartbreaking aspects of…
She does, in fact. The thing about the noise being harmful to the cows is actually from a university study. They found that many of the cows in the study seemed to be deaf (unresponsive to sound). And the bells are louder than the Swiss ordinance for noise, which is 85 decibels.
I’m curious what this site seems to have against vegans in general. There seem to be a lot of articles bashing them for random reasons, like the YouTube articles. And granted, Freelee and her kind are insane, but there are crazy, clickbait YouTubers for every subject matter imaginable.
The Senate confirmation hearings for Jeff Sessions, the good ol’ boy from Alabama and Donald Trump’s pick for…
amen. i’m tired of being told that kink-shaming rape fantasies is wrong. if you have rape fantasies, you are fucked up and need help.
Not sure but I think calling out that this was a “fantasy” long before it was a reality brings attention to what is basically normalized rape porn on tv these days.
Ok this got longer than I expected, and took over an hour but here we go.
Everything I have read about Carrie Fisher since her death has made me love her even more. This is an amazing way to go.
In a series of tweets containing a blurry photo of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher’s private memorial service,…
said some very not nice things about homosexuals, so I didn’t feel like that was good of me to have her on the show, to have a platform.”
Keep in mind, these are the same people that mock the concept of triggering and safe spaces. The people that go on television and break down in tears over “No, the white guy right there.” They mock triggering and safe spaces.
Billy Eichner and funny don’t belong anywhere near each other in a sentence unless that sentence also includes the words, “is not” directly before funny.
Yeah. That’s called the financial markets recovering from the financial crisis. And Obama’s ability to tax high earners was obviously constrained by a Republican Congress. Idiot.
Here’s the code: If you have man parts on the outside, and you lay one fucking hand on me, the FIRST thing I will do is knee/punch/kick your groin. Your balls are fair game.
Sincerely, everyone everywhere who is fed up with your bullshit.
You’ve accurately described the day to day humiliation of living inside a woman’s body. The good men are still trying to force us to believe we’ll be ok, which feels like an even greater assault than those actively assaulting us.
Yeah, lets just ignore the whole “control of production and distribution of goods” part of the very definition of socialism, but hey, definitions don’t matter, right?