
"Yes. She is my role model. Make of that what you will ;)"

The best part is that if we time it right, no one even seems to notice/care.

My father suffers from chronic pain and sometimes needs a break from regular chairs/standing (and also his in-laws). When he shuffles off to his comfy chair in the den, I usually follow with my own bottle of wine and the mister, sometimes one of my cousins. We watch Monty Python or Peter Sellers flicks and avoid the

Alcohol and Sadness.

For real, do you guys even need to ask?

It was me...and it wasn't a trip to Belize with my girlfriend, it was a funhouse for Bobby.

You know, I'd make you a flow chart, but I know women are terrible at spatial reasoning, even when you make everything shades of pink!

So a pretty common troll retort around these parts is 'why don't you do something to help people out in real life instead of just complaining on the internet?' I've seen some variation of this cry tons of times over the years. I literally just got a response along this line last week.

That gif is going to be so triggering for people* sensitive to misandry.

I am not a paper clip I'm actually a binder clip.

Sooooo, he proved that people on Jezebel are decent human beings. Wow. Score one for the MRA team... amirite.

As a member of Groupthink, I'm very relieved to have my faith in humanity restored. Thanks for posting this!

fuck cancer.

you have the right to have a religion but it's mostly going to be mine because you're not free of religion

What about cutest, funniest kids...

I, for one, am excited about bringing Mpreg culture to light. For once, we can truly experience equality.

Women get to have a life experience that men do not: they can carry a child within them that they will eventually birth. They get to bond with their unborn child and form attachments far earlier than men do with their children. Jealousy is not the emotion here; it's envy. Pregnancy is pure magic to me, and I envy

I actually really like Beth. She's no Rambo (like Carol) but she's fighting like hell to make it. She's come a LONG way from her suicide attempt, which I think is the point. She has to actively work really hard to overcome her deer-in-the-headlights instincts, and she does it.

O rly?

Never seen one myself but I have a story from someone I trust. A few years ago, I asked my SO if he had ever seen a ghost. He got really uncomfortable and squirrelly, lots of hemming and hawing. Annoyed, I said "Just say yes or no! I won't judge if you think you have seen a ghost." (I'm a skeptic and figured he didn't