Dear dad,
I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a…
That's not what complementing means.
Your information/welcome packet will be in the mail shortly. Please remember your badge goes over your heart, to show how much you "heart" to hate men!
Look. If you're an American who doesn't think the police treating peaceful protests in Ferguson with the level of invading a hostile enemy city is over reacting, I just don't know what to say to you. Obviously, you're an idiot.
Baseball badass Mo'ne Davis will appear on the cover of this week's national Sports Illustrated. She's the first…
Southern girl here. I was playing in a couple hundred acres of woods and bottoms from the time I was 6 or so until I became too "cool" to play in my early teens. I had to be in by dark, and my main rule was don't touch any snakes. Is it a generational thing? A regional thing? Both? I mean, in the summer if I was…
The other half of the double-talk is the criticism (particularly toward the children of the poor, it seems) that today's children are lazy and just want to sit around all day in front of a screen. Of course, when some parents try to get their kids some independence, either through choice or necessity, they get…
Because the use of the vernacular was very appropriate in this context.
I was pretty much on board with the article ('yes, treatment sounds good, these studies sound good, good that this kid doesn't condone sex with children in any way') until i got to the part about the guy who's a pre-school teacher. I don't care what he claims about the age range of his proclivities or how much his…
"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."
The United States of America is not for black people. We know this, and then we put it out of our minds, and then…
I really am speechless about this loss. He was my comedy idol growing up. I just loved him so much.
I really don't have much more to say than this. Thank you so much for everything.
No, and fuck you. Jezebel should be able to post articles about whatever they damn well please without having to deal with rape gifs and gore porn and whatever the fuck else. Those are being used as a silencing tool, and your comment is no better.
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown…