
Changing someone else’s mind about racism is very difficult, but organizing people who are not generally politically active is much easier. Are you familiar with the Helm’s White Racial Identity Model? I have found it really helpful in thinking about where my white friends are on the progression rather than just

Well, maybe, but also quite possibly not.

The alternative fact of the matter is that he won 95% of the total votes and his approval rating is higher than an adorable kitty hiding in a box of packing peanuts

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

I’m a black woman who was at the DC March, and I was absolutely one of those people bragging about no arrests. The DC crowd was plenty diverse, thanks. It’s a miracle to get a crowd of THAT size in the streets and have zero arrests, no matter what kind of event it was.

You do realize there were a lot of POC at the march too right? None of whom were arrested either?

I marched in Seattle, and I don’t give a big fat fuck what anyone is saying about it or asking me what will it cause. You know what it caused, happiness. It was lovely to be out with people of all ages, races, genders, reasons for being there, etc. It showed me that none of us are alone nor are we single issue people.

No they aren’t less than, and as liberals, we self sabotage when we start telling people you aren’t doing enough. It’s not enough for you to protest one issue unless you are out on the streets protesting every issue. You don’t have to explain yourself or justify yourself. You felt impassioned this weekend and that’s

The Black Lives Matter chants in my section were louder than almost any others (except the “my body, my choice” chants when we passed then”abortion demeans women” people). It was great

There were a few times at the DC March when people started chanting Black Lives Matter and everyone joined in with the same enthusiasm as all the other chants. It was awesome!

“....the centering of white women in the media and amongst themselves. The notion that the need for protest has “just begun” with the election of Donald Trump, too, was deserving of critique, particularly considering A) the Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock movements of the past several years and B) the entire