
The other day, my husband said to me, “I decided not to try to reason with you about buying Jagged Little Pill on vinyl and bought what was in our Amazon cart.” I gave him a pitying look and said, “It is an amazing album. You’ll see.You’ll see.

I’ve been a clinic escort for four years and more people standing between the client and the entrance is NOT a good thing. Walking the gauntlet of protesters during 40 Days is already upsetting enough for clients, this would make things escalate. Clients often speed-walk with their heads down to just get through this,

Someone below says Mr. Lawyer, Esq. has stage 4 cancer and is expected to shuffle off this mortal coil in a few months. I guess he has no fucks to give but still. Damn. Take it to the grave; that's your job. 

How to get disbarred: Gleefully break client privilege and expose some of their of medical information in the very next sentence.

I am absolutely horrified and offended by this lawyer. Attorney-client privilege is beyond essential to what we do, and this shit is why some of our clients don’t trust us. Fuck this guy. Fuck him. I’m so livid. It’s beyond unethical. You don’t want the case? Don’t fucking take the case then. No one made you - you’re

I don’t know. the “no ICE” sign really made me chuckle. 

She can strip. She can rap. She can see through bullshit.

.yeah, bitch! For health care! So your grandma could check her blood pressure and you bitches could go check your pussy at the gynecologist with no motherfuckin’ problem.”

Problem solved.

Lindsay Lohan is also a known moron who rarely says anything coherent but obviously wants to sound intelligent. Just a hunch, but this is just word vomit from Lohan.

Are we sure that Lakis is a real person and not an actor in a new season of Absolutely Fabulous who wandered onto the wrong set and decided to stay?

Do you find that it eats at you sometimes? Like you make a decision and you’ve internalized how your sister will respond to that and it changes your decisions?

Growing up, my older sister was constantly convinced that every choice I made is because of something she did or didn’t do or something someone else did or didn’t do.

Totally.  Normally, if you’re unable to do your job, you’re fired.  If you’re unable to do your job in a way that adversely affects someone else’s health, you should be fired quickly, and possibly exposed to legal action.

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

WTF. This makes me so, so angry. If you cannot do your job because you have decided to make up rules about what women can do with their bodies based on some old myths, you don’t get to have that job.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

A black barber shop
At a quinceñera
In the offices of a doctor who specializes in geriatric neurology

A treadmill

There are so many places you could put it where Trump would never look: