That’s exactly what’s going on. Does anyone doubt Trump would kick them into the street over this?
That’s exactly what’s going on. Does anyone doubt Trump would kick them into the street over this?
The prompt response from Gucci’s lawyer probably implies that they face costly consequences (eviction? fines?) if they express anti -Trump rhetoric or commentary. Moving a store that size in that neighborhood would cost millions, so they’re undoubtedly trying to end the story.
I thought that too! “Haha, what’s wrong with her? She sounds like Trump here...” I’ve never thought of it but yeah she typically sounds way smarter than him. That is alarming.
Kim Kardashian might be a better president. Fuck I’d take Kris now (not Caitlyn) instead.
But that Trump quote actually made me think “huh, Kim Kardashian normally gives more cohesive statements than that.” That’s where we are. Our president sounds stupider than Kim Kardashian.
But you also shouldn’t have taken the photo in the first place.
These motherfuckers are all a bunch of traitorous bastards who deserve to be locked up. In a world in which “justice” was anything more than a marketing slogan, they would be.
How do people have enough energy to care that much about someone else’s appearance? Do you fear the human body that much?
My mom is 70 years old... if some smug bitch did this to her, I swear to god I would beat her senseless.
Someone “stealing” Mayer is like someone stealing your Taco Bell. Let them get the explosive diarrhea and be glad you dodged that bullet.
I put away 20% of my income into savings per year and I’m still like ‘it’s not ennnnouuuuughhhh’.
Good for Caitlyn
Does “whodat whodat” count as non-chorus?
I’ve just realised that Al - portrayed as a pathetic loser in the 90s - could easily be identically written in 2017 as the romantic lead.
Nooooooo. Jen. Seriously. You are better than this. This motherfucker cheated on you and blew up your life. There were teams! I remember! It was all fucked up!