
Bonus points for Johnny Dangerously reference. I suppose Drumpf gets a handicapped parking placard since he’s psychotic.

I like this logic. It’s so pleasingly circular.

“Challenge accepted.” - Mark Zuckerberg

Yep, my 16 year old sister confirmed that this is because they are hyper aware of their online presence and want to be in control of it. It’s also a signal to your friends not to tag you either, which I get but...why are you posing for a picture in the first place? Why not just decline the photographer or turn your

I’m really impressed they’re that savvy and protective of their privacy.

They have different reasons for doing it -- after all teenagers are major followers. However according to my 13 year old step daughter, she doesn’t want facial recognition apps automatically tagging her on social media. She wants to choose where her pictures goes. Somehow I think it’s just the ‘cool thing to do’ for a

The Oscars don’t like popular movies? I’m shocked.

Remember when this was hugely embarrassing for the president?

What I would give for a George W Bush presidency right now, but he’s busy.

Never gonna go that long. It went from frightening to totally frightening and also chaotic and scandal-ridden. Trump is much more of a loudmouth bully and blustered UIthan smart guy negotiator, but his base brought into it, and here he is. And if this Russia thing is as bad as I think it may get, off he’ll go. It’s

“Chapter One: I Warm My Hands Over Your Burning Corpses”

“All the horrific ways I’ve dreamed of killing Anthony Weiner, James Comey, and Donald Trump: A Series of Short Essays By Hillary Clinton”

“Fuck All Y’All!: Life After the Most Difficult Year of My Life by Hillary Clinton.

“Bitch I Told U: A Series of Short Essays By Hillary Clinton”

Our president is fat. And?

RUN. I never lost an ounce until I resolved to become a runner. Running won't do it all for you - I lost my first 50 or so just by running but then plateaued something awful after that because I never changed my eating habits. If you don't want to change your eating, you can still lose weight if you just get out