Madame de Villedieu

Someone gets it!

For me, the fact that he explicitly states he will support Obama’s pick is what gives me that impression. With the GOP already talking up the possibility of lame duck approval, it seems to me Bernie is very aware of the politics of the moment. No one believes he would pick a centrist himself, given the option, it’d

No offense, but if a Supreme Court Justice isn’t picked by November, NOVEMBER, I think President Obama should give up the ghost. Then again, I would imagine the stonewalling would end if Mr. Sanders was elected anyways.

if he said “the second the returns come in i will ask him to withdraw” then i agree with you but none of that is implied anywhere in what he said? he gave no timeline for this and its weird to infer that he did to make a point

Citizens United is the litmus test for a lot of us, and this guy fails; he would not overturn it. Whatever you want to label him, he’s on the side of the oligarchy on that decision. I think Sanders’ position is the only one an actual progressive can fairly take.


interesting how we got “obama caved and picked a conservative” from “i would have preferred someone more progressive but i support the president”

I don’t think so. I think he’s saying that Obama absolutely has that right, but if the Senate doesn’t do its job and confirm Obama’s nominee, then he, as the newly elected president, wants to nominate his own justice. I would be incredibly shocked if Hillary doesn’t do the same thing if she gets elected.

In all fairness, Sanders has consistently disagreed with several of Obama’s policies. In this case, he actual his expressing 100 percent support for Garland while also - and honestly - expressing his own preference should he become president.

correct me if i’m wrong but it seems as though he was saying that if he, bernie, was somehow elected in november and there was no confirmation yet, he would ask obama to withdraw the nomination before leaving office so he could pick someone new. which would be in his power. as new president.

you do realize there’s a BIG difference between stonewalling the nominee (which is what the republicans are doing) and winning the general election, then asking the sitting president to withdraw his nomination that’s being stonewalled by the republicans, right?

He never said he didn’t have the right?

I mean I’m with him. I was disappointed when Garland was the nominee. It would be nice to have someone that was completely left. Rather than another center right judge, but that’s neo liberalism for you.

The ones who live in Beaverton but claim to live in Portland

As a Portland girl, I can say literally everyone I know here does not give a shit about these stores. Which Portlanders are loving this?

I think everybody who doesn’t really know Portland that well talks about how cool the Pearl is, but really it’s full of non-interesting stores and retired people. Seriously, the median age of Pearl residents must be about eighty.

You mean a bunch of leaves that have been sitting in my cupboard for ten years aren’t flavorful?!?

You expect me to toss that jar of Spice Bay brand bay leaves I bought in ‘03 and have moved to two different homes? It cost me an entire $3.29! What am I, a Rockefeller?

If you can't smell your bay leaves, throw them out and buy new/better ones.

What does a bay leaf smell like? Nothing.