Madamede Rosemonde

I’m sure he was hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo...

Being in Canada, I was expecting it (even though our system is abysmal, sorry). Several European countries have. And prepared or not, it’s going to happen.

That too. I used to wonder why we as a society weren’t preparing for the mass aging of the baby boomers and lo and behold, covid!

Where are you in Canada, because where I live in Montreal Quebec KFC coleslaw is a tasteless fluorescent green abomination of cabbage purée.

Those people who want to take away a woman’s right to choose are so vocal about “protecting life” but do dick-all to ensure that new human life will have the basic necessities to survive, let alone be well-adjusted. On the contrary.

Nope, I assumed you were a dude in a relationship with another dude!

Ok so I come home from work and my words got taken somewhat differently than I intended, so here goes below.

The reply proviided to LW1 is valid in some ways, but Dan was definitely projecting his own experience with EJPs when answering.

I'd love for Ego to do Update!

I scrolled down and down and I haven’t read one positive comment, wow. The story by Dahl (all of Dahl, really) is fantastic so it’s not that hard to make a film version interesting (James and the Giant Peach notwithstanding). The movie with Angelica Houston by Zemeckis was pretty spot-on, not perfect but fantastic

The 2 are complimentary. Amber is a glorious goddess of insightful wit and captivating charm and Drew is sunshine riding a rainbow moonbeam of love, soooo... I love them both!

I did go back to read after I wrote my comment, just in case. It’s still a bunch of imageries, pop culture references centered on “that basis” but they flowed well into the other. It was entertaining though biased (which is also entertaining). I don’t think the author meant for things to be overanalyzed, I’d guess they

Lol, it’s a way for an article to get people’s attention. But still, change “white” for any other race or skin-tone and there would be an uproar (with good reason).

I read a comment yesterday about how millennials have to label everything. I don’t even like labelling millennials as such, lol. Nobody likes to be boxed in with a label on top.

That’s a very good point, the stereotypical Trump voter isn’t shy about their political stance. She should at least hear him out and have an open discussion.

I’m guessing it’s because the letter writers don’t seem to be overly promiscuous, just searching. Dan probably assumes they’re adults who know how to be safe at all times, including during covid.

The fantastic episode Lost in Space is suggested at the end of the article, a Jeff-focused episode with a nice Roger background tid-bit.

I very much dislike Carrey’s Biden as well. As much as I used to love Jim Carrey, he seems to have gone off the deep-end about a decade ago and he just creeps me out. He lost his talent along with his sanity.

I’m in Quebec and I thought it was hilarious! I hope to see more Bonjour Hi in future shows.

I knew he grew up here in Quebec as soon as heard his accent, he nailed it.
Also, only someone who grew up here would get the joke about adding “Jean” to male names, it used to be very common.