Caught it last night, I loved it. Message was on point.
Caught it last night, I loved it. Message was on point.
OMG am I the only one who thinks the perspective is all wrong?
Well-put! It’s a good step in the right direction.
You are 100% correct on all points.
That’s a wonderful idea. I mean it, can’t wait!
Exactly, stolen car, 10k bail, causing vast amounts of human suffering, 2k. Ridiculous.
My first thought upon reading the title was Eeegggggs, and... I get how it isn’t fair to pick just one kind of egg preparation.
English is amazing that way (to me) because it’s so organic and intuitive.
That song’s the example that popped into my head!
Pretty sure most of the people (of all genders) who get those kinds of surgery are into men, exclusively. Maybe incels are in denial about who they want to attract for sex purposes.
Oy, you’re fun!
Same here. If it’s signed, why not take it. I dislike when the table is being cleared and we’re not finished (and not camping).
Can’t believe I had to scroll this long to get to Moulin Rouge!
Former young woman here. Gropers, albeit a rare event in the Ontario of early 90s, were met with a swift slap onto the groper’s hand. It’s a reflex! Also, etiquette.
Love these shoes - they are what I want to wear for my second wedding when in my 60s. I’m not kidding.
This thread is depressing. Sometime around 2000, cold sores became synonymous with genital herpes, and I find it completely baffling.
“I find this conversation tiresome” expressed in a German accent is my new inside voice sub-text. Thank you for this gem.
Oooooh.... Or course. Guess I blocked it out, good one! I mainly wanted to gush on Emma Stone’s performance, tbh :-)
I thought Ajax’s analogy was spot-on - they weren’t bashing all YouTube channels, just making a point for comparison.
She was fantastic and well-nuanced in The Favourite. Emma’s role wasn’t an easy one to pull-off - not as flashy or straight-forward as the other two leads - but having said that, the entire cast was perfect. I wish that dance scene had lasted longer.