Thank you! What a great phrase. My son is 8 too. I’ve been at a loss for words lately. That’s exactly what I should be saying right now.
Thank you! What a great phrase. My son is 8 too. I’ve been at a loss for words lately. That’s exactly what I should be saying right now.
Yeah, but tip 15%. Where did this 20% come from? I waitressed in the early 90s and I considered 15% very generous; most tipped 10%. What happened?
I was personally very surprised and unprepared by how much contractions felt like food poisoning, for me anyway. Out of the many books / sites I read, only a few casually mentioned that it could sometimes feel like that for some women. I’m guessing it happens more often than we think.
More stars stat!! 50, cute like 29. Paul Rudd is my forever crush since he played air butt piano for Phoebe on Friends.
Yeah, I’m uneasy that we’ll lumping all inappropriate male behaviour as sexual assault. This is a strange situation... Radio silence for 30 years and all of sudden, media blitz.
Why though? Do you think Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate will be another Amanda Seyfried / Linda Lovelace career killer situation?
This fits right for my 8-yr old boy. He would probably be fine at once a week, but I’m not sure he always wipes properly though :-) So I aim for every 2 days, plus, baths are fun.
That makes a lot of sense... Good to know, as I generally leave half the noodles but eat everything else and all the broth. I’m in Montreal, Canada, so - hopefully -it’s just par for the course here and not considered rude.
I’m guessing asking for the uneaten portion of the bowl “to go” is definite no. Is it acceptable to leave the uneaten portion on the counter with horizontal chopsticks and wait for my friend to finish?
Aw, they don’t ship to Canada... Love their products.
Aw, they don’t ship to Canada... Love their products.
I had to look that one up about CONTROL, so...
So agree, I watched the 1st season of STD and that one relationship between Michael and her captain was so great. I’m glad Michelle Yeoh was kept on the show though. I remember reading her character is getting her own series? Fingers crossed...!
Oh yes, Michael is such a badly written character... The actress is very good and doing the best she can, but she’s stuck playing a lame generic mary-sue character, who’s also Spock’s “sister” on top of that, really?
Apparently the 2nd season is better, and they brought in new people? I’ll likely watch it eventually, despite my little rant :-)
Yes, absolutely. All 5 Treks and the films feel right, even the “bad ones”. Not the new films though. Haven’t watched the 2nd season of STD, apparently it’s improved? The 1st season had good moments (Michelle Yeoh!) but the writing felt lazy and it’s *not Star Trek*.
This show just doesn’t feel anything like Trek, no matter how many ST-trope balls the manatees drag out of the tank.
Thanks for the new point of view, I’m going to try it your way and see how it fits.
Idk, 1-2 inches of stretch is plenty to spin-it around easily, but it probably DOES damage the band. I’m going to try the Red way... I simply hadn’t considered it before!
I’ve always done it the other way, but I’ve just learned that doing it your way is probably an opportunity for a pretty good stretch. And my nipples will probably land better. I’ve been lazy! :-)
I thought you were being a little pessimistic, maybe because I had read the article, for one. Seems many haven’t though, and wow, the gut-reaction opinion comments are completely dismaying to me... just... wow.