
I foolishly read the comments under the Fox News FB post (because sometimes I guess I need to0 punish myself) and one guy said something along the lines of, “I hate Megyn Kelly because she’s coming off like a Liberal attacking a Conservative! What happened to fair & balanced?!” That comment was so brain-bendingly

Up is down! Left is right! What am I? Where am I?

God, I can't wait for her to be our president.


he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.

Don’t see how it is. Look at your chromosomes. From an anthropological and sociological standpoint, she’s totally right. Me feeling is we’ve become so PC that facts are subject to a censor. I don’t consider myself to be African-American, but I know man came from the African continent. They just did. End of story.

It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”


It’s like he’s doing a variation of the lines from “The Manchurian Candidate”

don’t forget to tell everyone how much you don’t give a shit in person/facebook/twitter etc.

Superbowl Sunday is movie day! Go to the cinema, you’ll have the place to yourself.

Thank you so much. That means a lot, especially because I know firsthand the harassment you expose yourself to when you publicly support a woman. We Hillary supporters tend to stay silent ( I was for a long time), because we are afraid of being harassed (rightfully so, I get called uneducated bitch, feminazi daily by

Don’t worry, we blacks and Latinos are about to come in and save liberal white America from itself very soon.

I used to be a “head is for Clinton, heart is for Sanders” Democrat until I read this:

This is the rant that I've been ranting all day long.

Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world

Eh, those “proposals” seem an awful lot like demands, and she hasn’t said no, she just hasn’t said yes yet.

OMG. So true. What the hell. Why does Professor So and So need to tell us what he thinks about EVERYTHING? Why does Professor Must Share Now need to regale us with things we have already discussed for the fourth time?!?

The weekend debates are super lame Hil. Why not have them in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle while the Superbowl is going on? Fucking have at it.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”