where were the cameras that would have caught her pulling a trash bag out of her garbage can (jail cells don't have those for this reason) and hanging herself with it?
where were the cameras that would have caught her pulling a trash bag out of her garbage can (jail cells don't have those for this reason) and hanging herself with it?
I'm a white person, and I get it.
Have you read the autopsy report? There are all kinds of problems with it. As is.
They might have drugged her. Cosby’d her so to speak.
It was staged. Even the report from Texas has issues with it. The independent autopsy will no doubt reveal little else, as the drugs they might have given her won't be found in her system. If she had a seizure? That might show.
to be fair, his takedown of Jim Harbaugh was a delight.
The oldest kid said the dad beat on his mom so fuck him. I don't see how the judge (female) can't act in this. Fuck this cunt.
no one ever does.
One of the kids says he saw his dad hit his mom.
It's fucking bullshit and it doesn't matter, studies prove it, women get the shit end of the stick no matter WHAT approach they take.
Seriously. When I say I’m not an expert on something it’s because I’m not. Doesn’t mean I don’t have a well-considered opinion about it based on some experience. This whole wrapping context bullshit is bullshit. Maybe ALL of us—men and women—should start paying attention to the things that are said as opposed to HOW…
LOL it's called STANFORD.
It's fucking SCARRING.
I did too and have the scars all over my legs to prove it. My daughter is blond and I'll show her my scars (permanent) and ask her to please not shave at all. When it really matters? Use Nair or shave above the knees (skin is tougher) until she's perfected it.
the problem isn't the women and/or magazines who publicize their weights. It's the women who read it and give three fucks.
we were in line for ice cream today and I had to sit down. I told my son to stand in line and order when she asked “Who’s Next?” I did this because I saw Asian mom (who spoke only Asian) with her own daughter about my kid’s age look at my son, look at me, and when my son moved to the side of the line to check out an…
This show is still on the air????
just...wrong. just...ewwww!
LOL. Rand Paul.
TOTALLY AGREE. We are Romneying Clinton, people. Have fun with your SCOTUS after Bush is elected.