
I paid plenty for my SCU Steve Nash number shirt, and I could sell it for plenty more while he played for the Suns.

How the fuck is Erdeley avoiding scrutiny from publications like The New Yorker and The New York Times?

Yeah there's a lot of people involved with this story with "blood on their hands".

LOL. Do you follow NFL football?

the fuck is a chicken window?

Fuck isn't a "curse word".

Guthrie nixed it too.

In related news, no one under age 40 gets their news from TV anymore.

The article suggested the opposite, to me. In fact it spent so much time on why you shouldn't drink I was getting pissed reading it and nearly put it down. I wanted the info promised in the fucking headline cause I'm hungover dammit!

seriously if not for this man i would not have survived Congress and Bush 43.

Stewart is a Gen X icon. We remember him from Adam Sandler movies. Sorry.

He hosted the show while Strwart was gone and was wonderful. Some say he was better than Stewart.

I see they go with Bee and Jones as co-hosts.

Stewart's not a charlatan and O'reilly doesn't think he is. Colbert is a charlatan (openly) and O'Reilly can't stand him.

That was when she and Maher were fucking and before she literally went batshit insane (and peri menopausal, in Mahers case, which turned him off). Also O'Reilly is friendly to Stewart but he and Colbert can't stand each other.

The smartest person there is probably on the shitter for his fifth bowel movement of the day.

Adding to the hundreds starring this comment.

I'd love to watch this but fuck these ads.

or that, if we're not sure what happened standing back and taking all this in, I can see how the alleged rapist might be as well. The rape victim, even. If she's conflicted, what's a school or a jury supposed to do for her?

When are you guys going to investigate Sabrina Rubin Erdeley? She's still In fucking HIDING for fucks sake! where is she?