madame curie

you can tell he really likes something when he just falls silent. the “oh my god *5-second pause* that’s fantastic *10-second pause to take another bite* seriously you’ve really got something *10-second bite pause* that is MONEY”, like if he takes more than one bite he loves it. I happen to know that in an episode

you’re 100% right. no one wants to actually make that movie. I’d love to see them pull a Logan with Superman, I just don’t see it ever happening.

superman movies are always going to suck bc the character is overpowered. best superman content was smallville and that’s bc he was still in hiding & couldn’t use his powers to their full extent.

I love a townie episode, and this was not an exception. Steven Universe’s willingness to show change and growth is a real strength. a lesser show would’ve kept Lars and Sadie bickering in the donut shop forever, perhaps become a couple in some shoehorned 2 episode arc during the last season. this is a show that’s not

beautiful drag queens make him question his sexuality and their performance of a gender they weren’t assigned at birth frightens and confuses him. to reassert his masculinity he has to belittle them. he can’t cope with the warm feeling he gets in his pants when he sees a drag queen’s luscious ass so he has to scream

characteristic or reminiscent of the oppressive or nightmarish qualities of Franz Kafka’s fictional world. Google exists, my friend.

Okja was way better than most people give it credit for. I could write a lot more about why that’s true, but just. it was really good.

even if it uses the kiddie gloves to criticize the (many) hypocritical aspects of Christian faith, I’d rather actual Christians watch this than some echo chamber nonsense like “God’s Not Dead”. I know that harshly examining evangelical faith would be more appealing to a secular audience, but this movie introduces some

he’s a tiger mom, and he’s not gonna let some bozo from Blockbuster Video speak to him that way

which is interesting! a clawed hand is usually shorthand in animation for “this character is EVIL very EVIL notice their LONG SHARP EVIL NAILS made for STABBING” but so far every time we meet a new diamond their first, EVIL, impression usually evolves into something more flawed and, dare I say, human. I’m dying to

white diamond’s giant hand sighting! she big.

there’s so much Utena in the show in general and I love it

lol. the AV Club isn’t patronizing, that is you boo. don’t project.

but she’s not a white man.

Sam Bee’s special was really funny but I probably only think that because I’m a woman

pure gold

it’s a warning sign. I dated a guy that was all weird about the skin color of emojis, he used the brown ones, I’ve always used the yellow ones because I like how they look the same color as the little faces and he was always on me about it, like weirdly hating the yellow ones and asking why I would use those when they

just got back from seeing RPO. it was hot garbage.

I mean my issue isn’t with her real politics, it’s with the politics they’re bringing into the show. why did they have to explicitly mention that Roseanne Connor voted for Trump? and what the actual fuck was that “black and asian family shows” joke. imo it’s crying wolf when they say they don’t want to be political

they had Coinbase in the opening, it’s a cryptocurrency exchange