
I went through hell to have my son. I love him with breathtaking fierceness. He is, without a doubt, my favorite person on this earth. And even with all that parenting is hard and confusing and exhausting. Because of my own childhood I have worked really hard to give my son a foundation of love, trust, and security.

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.

You know who DID break their wives' bones and beat their children with a shoe? The people who WON WORLD WAR II!!!!!

"Every kid I know whose dad didn't break their mom's bones in arguments has grown up to be an entitled, pussified drug addict! Not being allowed to break your wife's bones and throw things at your baby is making America weak!"

This is just terrible. And what makes it worse, his wife hasn't even come out with a statement apologizing for her role in what happened.

I can't imagine how long it takes John to stencil in that beard every morning. Or, maybe Kelly Preston does the bearding since she has experience and all.

I think the part that's even worse for me in this whole thing is that these kids aren't living with Peterson full-time, or even the majority of the time. They're visiting for small stretches of time, during which they're being beaten. This hits the exact point Drew is making; these punishments are likely the

Drew, I'm in the same boat as you. It's all too easy to let your frustration get the better of you. I've yelled at my son quite a lot, and on those occasions when I've spanked him (more than I care to remember), neither of us felt any better.

Corollary to this: a lot of the people that say "my parents beat me and I turned out great" are not such wonderful poster children for that theory as they seem to imagine.

The person who called the cops in the first place was probably motivated by race but I think the cop handled the situation well. When this story first broke i was expecting a whole different kind of conversation but the cop seemed professional to me. He was called to investigate a potential crime, either

So we know Adrian Peterson had a son with one woman, a son who would now be three years old but is deceased after being beaten by another man at the age of two. And he has two four-year-old sons with two other women. So we presume he impregnated three different women, none of whom he was married to, within a span

Like Sean Kemp isn't bringing his kids into the bar.

I used to live beside a hoarder and the roach situation was horrible. We were constantly getting roaches, snakes, mice, and rats—I kept a clean house but our houses were only a few yards apart and it was just a steady stream between the houses. Also he had a shitload of old tires in the yard, which made a fucking

Ya this all sounds very contrived. He loves his kids so much that he is going to leave the love of his life just to maintain a relationship with them, but not quite enough to refrain from blaming their mother for his break-up in public.

I don't think you actually appreciated the column if your response is to point to situations in which women have victimized others. That was not the point nor is it relevant. No one is suggesting that only women are victims.

I thought that first line said, "Women will fantasize about hot food all day long," which seemed pretty accurate to me.

angel haze is desperately forcing it. She so badly wants to be seen as edgy, cool and different because she's in....dare I say interracial, lesbian relationship. Bleh. It won't last. Ireland Baldwin will go on to marry a nice, white Hollywood man and you'll be left nursing your wounds beause you're seeking so

So much guilt here. Must be a white pizza.

Years ago I was the victim of domestic violence by a man who, while not famous nationally like Rice, was still very well known in my community and extremely well-regarded. When he beat me bad enough to leave visible marks, I decided I wouldn't be ashamed to go out in our community and when people asked what happened,