
I'm sorry but his being a professional has nothing to do with it. And sadly, I'm seeing more and more women thinking it's cool to put hands upon a man. It's becoming a problem and needs to be put to an end.

in 1986 I was 6 years old, and ABCs Wide World of Sports showed Western States. I said to my dad "I'm going to do that when I grow up"- almost thirty years later, my dad has done over a hundred ultras, I've done 25. He's done about 6 ironman, I've done one. I've done about 20 adventure races up to 6 days long.

As a marathoner (I'm not badass enough for ultra, sorry), I can attest that this is true and it's okay to laugh at yourself. Because when I go to conferences and we have to do the awkward "Introduce yourself and say something interesting about yourself!" you bet your ass I always say I'm a marathoner. I'd wear my

Don't you just hate it when people talk about their passions, instead of yours?

And we get a taste of her delusion here:

I saw Manhattan in a summer classic movie series, and I knew I should leave after the opening montage- everything after was bound to be a disappointment! I loved Hannah and Her Sisters, though. No young ingenues in that one!

Every time Isaac hears a parent say "I make a lot of sacrifices for my kids" he's all, "Can I get a TRIGGER WARNING please?"

here's my sex spreadsheet

There is this weird elephant in the room aspect to it, though. If you acknowledge that your treatment is different because you are a woman, you are gonna get accused of using the sexism card like the boy who cried wolf.

Madam.Margie, it looks like you replied to EllenJane and not me! I can answer that—she agreed to meet him if he paid. So sorry if that wasn't clear and thank you for your comment.

This is fucking horrible all around.

This isn't really about you and your white hair though...

I apologize if this is a long comment.

This is my question. As someone severely allergic to dogs, what are my rights? Is it 'too bad, so sad Trickius' and I get shoved out of the store and/or potentially put at risk of a reaction?

What about the person who wants to take their dog with them everywhere, but the dog is not well-trained, not nonaggressive, etc.? If that dog was wearing a service vest that its owner had made for it, and it poops on the bus or bites the driver, that negatively impacts public opinion of legit service dogs, and

"She said, 'I'm sorry.' And I said, 'That's not good enough. You should have known,'" Celeste said. "You just made someone with an emotional disorder so much worse."

I don't want ESPN heart warming stories, speculation, "stars, they're just like us" garbage, or "adult sports fan discussions." I want LBJ to come on dressed as Flava Flav and do a 20 minute kanye rant. Or just troll everyone James Franco style. Why not? LBJ hold Cindy Sherman new film still redux. If we're going

Retail employees are capable of re-jumbling letters without it causing them great stress and/or harm, y'all. In fact, it's much better to have a reason to straighten up the letters than fixing them when they're fine because it's 15 minutes until close and you need to look busy.

Nah, I just pull off the bottom half of the cupcake and stack it on top of the frosting to make a giant cake sandwich.

I like most music other than metal.