I know plenty of women who say this.
I know plenty of women who say this.
I had my first at 33 in a non-ideal situation and I'm probably the youngest mom in my son's fourth grade class. My current friends were all 35 ish for their first baby, 37 or 38 for number 2. Plenty of women I know were older. We are fantastic mothers.
let's hope she's doing some good estate planning.
would he call her loyal, though?
I think what she says about having friends is really important. A big part of my experience raising children has been about creating community for us, and if you have that already, it'll smooth the road.
Everyone lies about their age to get an account.
I have this really amazing preteen son and while, sure, I know he keeps some things to himself, he shows a remarkable level of honesty.
Didn't we just have the Olympics?
which is reminiscent of that recent study about how women are more helpful around the office. Just volunteering for tasks no one else wants to do, like cleaning out the office fridge.
Same here.
I went to a very high end private college and the exposure to the rich people's lifestyle was a real shock to me. They knew brands and places I had never heard of.
Isn't hummus Muslim?
you forgot the Muppet Movie?
That is exactly why I enjoy my Facebook friends so much.
I have both of those things!
I know someone who is 32 and was just married for the third time. She had a fiance or two along the way, too.
Yesterday it was, like, 20 degrees and I unbuttoned my coat, I was so warm. Talk about acclimating.
I did a quickie wedding and if I had to do it over, I'd have gone big.
Maybe she couldn't bear it, did you ever think of that?
You are so right.